Happy Birthday Luke!
Sweet Luke will be two weeks old tomorrow and I couldn’t wait another minute to get his birth story up on the blog! Typically I do not take birth clients during November because I am so busy with portrait sessions that being on call would be more likely to conflict with my scheduled sessions. But since Luke decided he was going to make his arrival in the opposite direction than he was supposed to, his sweet mama had a scheduled c-section and in that case I was able to be there with them! So anyway, I was OVERJOYED to be able to be the with the Leonards family on this big day! I first met Lauren & Heath back in the Spring to help them make their big announcement that they were expecting! I absolutely loved working with them that day and I could just tell they were going to be such wonderful parents! Lauren just beams with joy & love and Heath takes such gentle care of her, I just know Luke will grow up with so much love and his momma’s big smile!
So I arrived at the hospital about an hour before they were scheduled, everyone was smiling so big and in much anticipation of little man’s arrival! We all made our guesses on his weight, Luke was measuring to be a pretty big boy and well.. he made his grand arrival as a chunky 9lb 5oz boy and yep, he arrived booty first! My favorite part of this birth story are all of the contagious smiles from all the family! There was SO much love in this room, ya’ll! It was so good to be there and document it all for them! I hope to continue photographing the love in this sweet family for many years to come! Congratulations again to Lauren & Heath!