Happy Birthday Aisley!
A year & a half ago I was asked to photograph my very first birth... today I revisited those images to design a custom photo book & fell in love with them all over again! With permission, I am excited to share some of the images with you all here!
Rachelle was my childhood best friend, we lost touch after high school and a few years later ended up moving into the same area and reconnected! So when she asked me to photograph the birth of her & her husband's first child, I was ecstatic. Rachelle went into the hospital early on the morning of September 23rd, I was there as quick as I could be, but Aisley let us know that she wasnt quite ready yet and made us wait & wait all day long! Finally, around 8pm she was ready to push and Aisley Kate graced us with her sweet presence! This was my first time ever photographing or witnessing a birth and it is something I will never forget. It's such a beautiful miracle and my emotions were all over the place! Trying to focus on photographing and watching my friend experience such a huge moment in her life was a challenge! But I definitely got some amazing shots! It was an exhausting day for all but it was worth every minute. Aisley is now 1 1/2 and Rachelle & Landon chose me to be her godmother! And some time next month I'll be photographing her sweet baby brother's birthday, as well! Can't wait to do it all over again!