Dennis Family + First Birthday Shoot
I've worked with the sweet Dennis family a few times over the last year and they are absolutely some of my favorite clients! They are such a sweet, happy family and I feel like I've been working with them for years! This is my favorite of their sessions for sure! Jackson is an absolutely HAM for the camera, oh my gosh! I just love his big cheesy smiles! Also, I have to mention that I. LOVE. CAKE SMASH SESSIONS. Yall, they make me smile so big! There's just something about cake in between their toes that makes my heart explode! Jackson was not the messiest cake eater I've photographed but he definitely enjoyed that delicious cookies & cream cake, and we may have all enjoyed a little lick ourselves also!
Thanks so much to the Dennis family for allowing me to photograph you guys again! See ya'll again in a few months ;)