Happy Birthday Hendrix!
As always, feeling super blessed to have experienced another beautiful birth story! Third babies make me a little nervous ever since my first client due for their third delivered their baby very unexpectedly before I could get to them, and almost before they could even get to the hospital! So I was paying very close attention to my phone at all times as Mailie’s due date was approaching. But little Hendrix wasn’t really in any rush! Mailie went into the hospital on Tuesday night, so I got a little light rest anticipating a phone call but I actually got to sleep through the night and was awakened around 6am to my birth client alarm ringtone going off and Mailie’s husband saying she was 5cm and it was time to head over there! I made it to the hospital around 7:00 and baby Hendrix was born at 7:57! My favorite part of this birth story was the big brothers meeting their brand new baby brother! Those boys were so in love with their sweet brother, they could not take their eyes off of him and they did not want to give anyone else a chance to hold him! I love when I get to do births with siblings, it’s such a precious pure kind of love!! The Dalasinskis were one of those families that didn’t feel like strangers! They made me feel like I was just another family member in the room with them and those kind of people are my favorite people! So here is little Hendrix’s birthday story!